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Drawn into Nature

A Community Art Installation
at Safra Mt Faber

2 Telok Blangah Way, 098803

5 Mar - 30 Mar 2018

Drawn into Nature, 2018
Acrylic , Collage on Paper Mache

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On Beige

Drawn into Nature

This spiral lies at that very point where inanimate matter is transformed into life.
-- Hundertwasser

After the Community Art Contribution

Great fun, nature drawings from the kids!

Information for Community Contribution till 23 March 2018

Help to grow our hanging garden and see how small objects can be combined and flow with dimensional drawn shapes to create a larger community piece.

Using the flora and fauna as your inspiration, please contribute to the artwork with a drawing of your favourite piece of nature.

By observing the natural world and looking closely at the colours, textures and shapes within trees, leaves, flowers, insects or birds make a small sketch on the note paper provided and cut out the shape. You can leave your initials in the center back of the paper.

Drop your mini drawing into the box (between 5-23 Mar) and the artist will combine the pieces in a pop-up formation that flows along the surface from the window on the outer facade for Earth Hour on 24th March 2018.

Drawn into Nature work-in-progress

in collaboration with NAC

SAFRA Mt Faber
5 - 30th March 2018

Drawn into Nature
Community Art Installation

The installation is made up of a horizontal paper scroll of mixed media artwork, which wraps round the space in a spiral formation. It will feature a combination of painting, drawing and collage inspired by the natural surroundings of Mt Faber. The viewer can take a short walk around and into the center of the installation to view the artwork on the surface from the outside as well as the landscape within.

The base will be a papier-mache panel created from layers of used paper, old envelopes and glue paste; forming a curved shape which is then primed and painted. The artist will paint the inner surface while the outer facade will be prepared with a white base along with sketched outlines and be a community effort to complete.

The concept being of an eco-friendly installation made from recycled paper as well as a growing artwork contributed to by the community. Mini drawn objects will be collaged like jungle growth sprouting up on the surface with the addition of shadow from light adding to the three-dimensional effect.

The theme of the piece is the abstraction of organic forms and how you can get drawn into nature by exploration and observation. It involves the artists' process of focusing on certain elements and drawing out those components of interest into an artwork. So looking at say a tree not as a whole with branches, trunk and leaves but to zoom in on each of its surfaces or to zoom out for general shapes - to extract colours, texture and forms. In addition finding inspiration while going for a walk and depicting the experience along the way -absorbing the environment, weather, sun, rain or air for a more atmospheric feel.

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